Save An Hour For Your Business Day By Automating These Tasks
The smaller the size of a business, the less time an entrepreneur has for repetitive tasks. It is also unfair on the business owners to remain unproductive when they can actually start managing many small and recurring tasks just with the following hacks mentioned in this article.
Some might consider automation to be liable for resource downsizing but on the contrary, it proves to be immensely beneficial to the said entrepreneurs and small business owners in getting over with the task at hand. Of course, these business people are always struggling to keep up with the time and finding ways to streamline their daily tasks while saving both, time and money.
Wondering how it can be done? Here are the following tasks which you should automate to start saving an hour a day from your business.
1. Accounting, Invoicing, and Taxes
One of the tedious task for any upcoming business entrepreneur is to look after the business accounting as well as managing invoices with clients and vendors. Of course, cash flow is a lifeline for small business owners and hence, they have to pay attention to details.
However, their major time can be utilized in sending an invoice. Of course, you need to ensure selecting a promising online free invoice generator so as to ease your tasks such as recurring payments, creating professional and customized invoices, estimates, expense & time-tracking,
2. Social-media Accounts
It is utmost necessary for small business to keep interacting and creating engaging rapport with their audience through the medium of social media. Posting creatives and content regarding the product and services on various social media accounts could easily consume a substantial time of your day.
Tools such as Buffer and Hootsuite can help you in scheduling your posts well in advance so that you can concentrate on other business tasks. These tools can also put your mind-at-ease if you have a business or personal travel week ahead.
3. Website Logins
A developing and upcoming business has lots in its plate and that includes varied accounts for financial, social media, clients, and vendors accounts. Of course, an easy and one for all credentials is not going to suffice. Also, it is brainstorming to remember passwords for each account every time you log in.
Password managers can help you amazingly in simplifying this problem. Password managers can help you save and create new passwords for your account meaning, you just need to remember one master password that rest is all taken care of.
4. Data Backup
It was a disaster and devasting news in the past if you’d come to know that your hardware is crashed due to a virus. Because that means, you have lost all your personal, business and clients data in just a matter of a few seconds.
But, thanks to the cloud facility, this problem has been nicely addressed and now we do not have to worry about losing the data. Your business data can easily be stored automatically in the cloud account which means that you can retrieve all your data anytime, anywhere.
5. Fax
Though most of the work can seamlessly be accomplished by sending an email yet there are times when an email won’t just suffice the need. Wouldn’t it be frustrating to run around town or city center looking for a printer or copier shop to send your fax? Well, say goodbye to the old conventional or traditional faxing methodology.
Now send and receive online fax in a matter of seconds. Again, just like invoicing, you need to choose a trustworthy online fax service provider who can accommodate not only the business’s faxing needs but also provides you with other features, functionality and add-on services. These could range from free fax number, mobile app, customer support, Pay-per-use, and corporate plans.
With the above-mentioned tools, as a business owner whether small or big, you can easily tackle your daily tasks in a quick fashion and save time and money. We hope that this article brings you certain insights about how to smartly manage your business time so as enhance business efficiency and productivity.